Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Happy Six Months In-Country-aversary!

As of December 2, 2011 I have officially been in country six full months! I can hardly believe it has already been this long.

I can remember so vividly my last moments at home. I can even recall brining in the New Year at home with friends and Family. Life has certainly changed in my six short months, both here in Mozambique and at home in the States.

I went from a life of relative comfort to a much more rustic existence and to my own surprise have adjusted better than pretty well. I have become more resourceful-learning scrub stuck on grease with sand, and to use laundry detergent when i've run out of dish soap- and if it's possible have become more domestic. I have no doubt that if I had to I could live without running water forever...not that I want to though!

I have communed with all manner of wildlife, from swimming with several ton whale sharks and playing "Auntie" to new born donkeys to sharing a living space with gekkos, newts, a pretty rambuncious but still incredibly cute "African Mutt" and what may potentially turn out to be an African WIld Cat. I have even, much to my chagrin but still quite an accomplishment, wrested with the occassional camel spider.
I went from roommate to single pet mother in one week. Saying "good bye" to my roommate was more emotional than I expected it to be, but i'm glad to have met and lived with her and am forever grateful for all the help she gave me. My initial fears about living alone have quelled. Having Nhemba (my puppy) and Botao (the kitten) around has definitely made the transitition easier. I've established a little bit of a routine and am now connected to the internet at home so I think I'm pretty happy.

Work is still pretty slow but it's getting close to the holiday season so I fear that it's just going to get much slower. I have spent my free time coming up with lots of ideas for how to help improve both my orgs so along with a few other "Non-resolutions" (since I never keep actual New Year's resolutions) I hope to begin working on my ideas in the New Year.

Wow, 2011 is already (almost) over. It started out a little rough but has proved to be one of my best. I am more than confident that 2012 will be just as amazing. I am the master of my fate and Lord willing will succeed in all that I set out to do.

Since coming to Mozambique, I've gained several adorable new siblings and a cool second (or third or fourth) mom. I have been so blessed to have gone through training and these first few months of service with the most awesome group of people ever! It's like having 28 best friends. We all just naturally get along and have since the very beginning. I am so thankful to have my Moz-16 family as a support system and I look forward to building upon, maintaining abd furthuring our friendship for the next 21 months abd many years to come. Anytime a group of us gets together we have already begun to make to get together after service LOL.
I have also been pleasantly surprised by how awesome all the other PCVs are here. Everyone is so down-to-Earth and also really open and helpful. The Peace Corps network has already proved to be an amazing resource (even before I actually got to Moz), not just in Mozambique but also volunteers in surrounding countries and the many RPCVs I've had the pleasure of meeting in whatever form (PC meet-ups, facebook groups, random mutual friends lol). I feel like I have joined a fratenity (for lack of a better word) and look forward to continuing  my association and involvement throughout the rest of my life.

I just need to make it through the rest of my service first. Which, I know that I can and will do with the love, support, advice, prayers, help and cooperation from my family, friends, fellow Moz-16ers (and 15ers, 14ers 13ers 17ers and even Moz-18ers-coming soon) and everyone I've met during my journey.

Thank You!
Until the next milestone! 
Ate Ja!

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