Monday, July 18, 2011

In the Pit...latrine 14/06/2011

Since we've been in Namaacha I've been raving about how I haven't had any stomach troubles. In fact, I really have had to "go" but once since we've been here.
IT finally hit me :(
Maybe, it's because I've been trying to hold it...
Maybe it's because I've been exercizing and eating more fruit and veggies...
I need to get control of it. "Downloading" (Thanks Elyse lol) in a virtual hole in the ground IS NOT fun. Nor is it easy, when you are trying to avoid putting your behind on the "seat" [which is really just four cement blocks surrounding the opening of the hole in the ground in my case].
** Speacial shouts out to my God Mother (Hey Peaches lol) who insisted that I bring a portable/purse sized can of disenfectant spray.
^You better believe I sprayed EVERY INCH of that case de banho before I postitioned myself [I discovered that putting my feet on either side of my body atop the cinder blocks works best] over the latrine (<-- I guess I had better get used to this word o_O).

I keep having to remind myself that this is what I signed up for!
I have never missed an American Standard toilet so much!
I might get used to it...~who knows!?~...
(at this point) This is only like my 10th day in Mocambique LOL.

I will say that I'm glad I got it out of the way. My aim (ew I know :{ lol )isn't that great but at least now I know how it works LOL
Luckily, we have training sessions in buildings with "real" toilets (I'll use this term loosely as they don't actually have automatic flush and you have to dump a bucket of water at just the right angle to make things flow) so when I can help it, I wait until I get to these places and handle my business there. I know I won't always  be able to do this, and that someday probably very soon I will have to revisit a latrina...but I'm gonna try my DAMNED-EST!!

I'll keep you posted!

So about four weeks later I got a stomach virus-dirrhea included-and became very well reaquainted with the latrine and every other toilet I came in contact with...
^ It was bound to happen LOL

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